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4 Tips for Effective Construction Project Management


Updated: Jan 22

The construction industry is changing every day. With technology getting more advanced and complex, the need for advances in project management processes has also grown. But with all of the tools, apps, software and processes available today, confusion can set in when it comes to finding what works best. How do you decide if a digital tool will be helpful or if it's just another gimmick? How do you implement new project management practices without distracting your workers from their jobs? The key to effective construction project management is a combination of communication, contracts, schedules, and access to information that helps keep everyone on the same page throughout each stage of a job. Here are four of our top recommendations for making sure your next job finishes on time.



Communication is key to effective construction project management. Communication between the owner and general contractor, between all parties in the project and among all members of your project team are essential to keep everyone on the same page.

This is even more critical when there are multiple trades involved in your construction project. Each trade needs to know what their responsibilities are, what they can expect from others, when they need to deliver their materials or services and so much more so that everyone can work together seamlessly towards achieving the desired outcome of your construction project.

Establish a stringent project schedule at the beginning of the project


One of the most important things you can do as a project manager is to establish a stringent and accurate schedule at the beginning of your project.

It may seem obvious, but it's also important to keep this living document updated throughout the course of your work. Your team will use this schedule as their guide when working on tasks, so it needs to be clear and concise while also flexible enough to allow for unforeseen circumstances or changes in scope.

The schedule should be shared among all involved parties, who should update it in real-time so that everyone can see how their progress is lining up with what's been planned. The more information people have about where they stand on certain tasks, the better equipped everyone is for making decisions about how best to proceed toward completion without causing unnecessary delays.

It's all in the contracts.

Contracts are the backbone of any business relationship, and construction projects are no exception. If you don't have a written agreement with your contractor, you're essentially taking their word for it that they'll do what they say they will. While there's nothing wrong with that as long as both parties trust each other implicitly (and there's certainly nothing wrong with working with people whose word you trust), it's not always possible to build this kind of trust before signing on the dotted line. When dealing without contracts, it can be easy to fall victim to any number of common pitfalls: charges for services not rendered; deadlines missed; outright fraud or theft. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways around these problems when building up relationships based on trust alone—but if you want something more concrete in place before hitting the ground running? Make sure you've got yourself some solid agreements drafted up by professionals in order for everything else about this project go smoothly from start to finish!

Know who can see what in real-time aka Collaborate

Now that you know what’s happening, it's time to make sure everyone else is on the same page.

There are many tools available to track and monitor your project, but they all have one thing in common: real-time visibility. This means that everybody stays informed at all times, even if they're not physically present.

For example, a construction manager can keep a close eye on who has access to what information by using Google Docs or Microsoft Office 365 with collaboration tools like Dropbox Paper and Asana. If a worker needs an update from the architect on something like the current design of an area in your new building or office space, they can be notified within minutes through Slack or other communication platforms instead of having to wait days for it via snail mail or email.

Construction project management requires strong communication, a fool-proof contract and accurate schedules

The key to effective construction project management is communication. The best way to keep your team on track is by implementing a stringent project schedule at the beginning of each job. This will make sure everyone knows what they need to be doing at any given time and that you avoid any potential bottlenecks or delays down the line.

Once you have your schedule in place, make sure that it's written into your contract with your client. You don't want there to be any confusion about when things need to be done by—you've got enough on your plate without worrying about them!

In addition, it's important that all parties involved can see what's happening within real-time across all devices; whether it’s through email notifications or text message alerts, make sure everyone knows exactly where things stand with regards to contracts and schedules so there's never any confusion about what needs completing next on site


Project managers are the people who make sure the project is completed on time and under budget. They do this by communicating with everyone involved in the project, creating schedules, and managing risk. The construction project manager plays a key role in all of these areas. To be successful as a manager, it’s important to have strong communication skills and understand how to set up contracts with specific terms related to schedule/budget/scope. It’s also important that you know who can see what in real-time, so there is never any confusion about what has been done or needs to get done next! This will help keep your projects running smoothly from start to finish!

Does your construction project require assistance? Riise is your ally at every step of your construction project. Our reliable and industry-leading professionals can help remove any and every variable, provide a clear picture of what we deliver, and present potential options for cost savings. Schedule a call with us today to know how we can make your construction project a smooth journey!



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