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How to better manage your construction project in 2022


Updated: Jan 22

Construction is a billion-dollar industry that's been around for decades. And yet, it hasn't been able to innovate at the same rate as newer industries like retail and food service. That's changing, though—construction project management has taken advantage of new technology to improve productivity and efficiency while reducing risk. Today's construction projects are safer, more efficient, and less costly than ever before thanks to new technologies and approaches to construction project management.

Eliminate silos with collaboration

In a project environment, silos have been proven to be detrimental to the success of a project. Silos are bad for communication and collaboration, which can lead to inefficiencies due to miscommunication and lack of teamwork. They also stifle innovation, morale and productivity as they prevent information from flowing freely throughout an entire team.

Silos should be eliminated by creating collaborative workflows that ensure everyone is involved in every aspect of the project, even if it’s outside their specific area of expertise.

This will improve efficiency by eliminating bottlenecks where certain people hold onto knowledge or information so that others don't have access at critical times when it may cause disruption or delay the project timeline unnecessarily due to poor planning on behalf

of those responsible for managing tasks within teams whose job description includes specific roles such as "project manager" but not necessarily "collaboration facilitator."

Be proactive about communications

One of the first things to consider is how you will communicate with your team. If you're managing a small project with an internal team, it may be sufficient to use a project management software like Trello or Basecamp. However, if there are multiple people working on the project and you need an easy way for them to communicate with each other in real time, consider using a chat tool such as Slack.

If you're working on a larger-scale construction project that involves several teams from various companies, chat tools won't cut it because they don't have enough room for everyone's comments and discussions about different aspects of the project—they can only handle so many users at once before slowing down due to their heavy load capacity. Instead of relying on chat alone for these types of projects—which could lead to delays due to miscommunication between groups—it's better practice instead just up front: plan ahead by creating an email list just for people involved with this particular aspect.

Perfect your risk management

Risk management is all about identifying the risks of a project and then taking steps to reduce them. If you're new to risk management, this might sound like something that could be left to other people (like your project manager) but in fact it's something you can do yourself. And improving your own ability as a risk manager will make your role more important, giving you more power over how things happen on a construction site.

Why is that? Because good risk management means efficient use of resources: when risks are properly identified and managed early on, they don't need much attention later on in the construction process—and this saves money! You can also help mitigate potential problems by working with other people who have different perspectives than yours—for example, if someone notices an area where they think there might be problems with drainage because they were watching out for puddles while walking past those parts of the building site during rainy days last week then maybe he/she has something worth listening too...

Embrace big data

Big data is more than just numbers. It's the ultimate tool for construction project management. If you want to better manage your project, incorporating big data into your routine will help you make better decisions, understand customers and competitors, and get a sense of how employees feel about their work environment.

Here are some ways you can use big data to improve your construction project management:

  • Use it to identify trends in consumer behavior

  • Get an understanding of the best way for customers to interact with your business (e.g., through mobile or desktop)

  • Identify who among those consumers are likely to become repeat clients

Automate with AI

AI can be used to automate tasks, improve efficiency and accuracy, speed up decision making. AI can also help you improve quality and safety.

Invest in better scheduling software

To better manage your construction projects in 2022, you should invest in better scheduling software. The best scheduling software allows for easy task delegation, accurate time tracking and project management. With the right tools on hand, you can ensure that your team has everything they need to succeed.

The most important feature is one that allows users to delegate tasks to each other with ease. This means being able to assign tasks both within a single department and across departments as well (e.g., if you're working with an outside contractor). It's also key that the system allow team members or subcontractors access only what they need—i.e., different levels of access depending on their position within your company or its hierarchy structure (so they don't have unrestricted access).

Improve employee experience for more productivity

Employee experience is important for several reasons. First, it's a real-time indicator of how your employees are feeling about their work environment and the company they work for. If you want to keep your team happy, then improving employee experience will help you understand where there may be problems or issues that need to be resolved.

Importantly, evidence shows that when employees have higher levels of engagement and satisfaction at work, they're more productive and less likely to leave the company. In fact, one study found that having good relationships with coworkers can actually increase productivity by 12%! If you're managing a construction project in 2022 or later, then improving employee experience is essential for keeping everyone engaged and motivated on site—which will lead directly into increased productivity among all team members who play a role in completing the job successfully.

Construction project management is improving, thanks to automation and better tech.

You can expect to see more automation and better tech tools for construction project management in the coming years.

  • Automation is enabling more precise, efficient and safer construction projects.

  • Better tech means fewer mistakes, less rework, and faster communication.


Construction project management is a hot topic in the construction industry, and for good reason. The industry-leading professionals at Riise Building Inc can help you build an effective communication protocol to help you complete your construction project with finesse.

We make construction projects less tedious. Let’s discuss! Contact Us to know how we can help your organization.



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