What Makes a Good Project Manager?
Construction Project managers are those who keep a construction project on track. They are responsible for communicating with the stakeholders, managing the budget, and making sure that the project is on schedule. A good project manager needs to have certain skills in order to be successful. They need to be organized, able to work well under pressure, and able to communicate well with others. The construction project manager is the glue that holds a team together. This role is often filled by an individual who has experience working in the field and understands how to manage a team of people.
Leadership Development
Leadership development is the process of developing the leadership skills of an individual. It helps them become a better leader.
Leadership development has four steps:
Development of self-awareness: This comprises identifying and understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, values, needs, and goals.
Development of skills: This involves acquiring knowledge and skill sets that are needed to lead an organization to success.
Development of relationships: This involves understanding one's relationships with others and building strong relationships with them to be able to lead them towards success as well.
Consequences: The last step in leadership development is the consequence. It involves understanding that all leadership development has consequences and vice versa.

A construction project manager needs to be a jack-of-all-trades.
As a construction project manager, you will be faced with the challenge of juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities at once. You'll need to be able to manage large teams of people, and not just in one capacity—you must be able to assume many roles as needed.
As a construction project manager, you will have many different types of tasks and responsibilities on your plate at once; being able to manage them all successfully is the key to success.
Good communication is imperative to project success.
Good communication is imperative to project success. A project manager should be able to effectively and efficiently convey the needs of his or her client with clear and organized communication skills.
If you want your construction project managers to succeed, make sure they have these basic tools:
A good understanding of the scope of work (SOW)
A solid understanding of your company's processes and procedures
The ability to plan ahead
Organization skills are essential for a construction project manager.
Organization is a key skill for any construction project manager. It helps you manage the project and your team, budget, schedule and other elements of the construction process.
Organization also plays an important role in communicating with clients or other stakeholders. A well-organized construction manager will be able to provide clear instructions on milestones and deliverables while making sure their team follows through on their responsibilities according to plan.
A good construction project manager knows how to delegate tasks.
It’s important for a construction project manager to know their strengths and weaknesses. If you don’t know how to do something, find someone who does. If you don’t have the time or resources to do something, don’t do it.
A good construction project manager will factor in delays and risks.
If you’re planning to build a house, you need to be prepared for delays. Things will go wrong. The slightest error can change the entire project schedule and cost you time and money. As a construction project manager, it's your job to anticipate the potential risks and delays and act accordingly. There are many factors that can cause delays in the construction process:
The weather
Labor strikes
Poor management by other parties involved in the project (contractors, suppliers)
When dealing with these types of issues or problems as a construction project manager, consider what options are available at each stage of development to ensure your team stays ahead of any potential problems or delays. For instance: If you know there may be weather-related issues during certain months, hire employees who can work through inclement conditions without disrupting schedules or causing more stress than necessary at work sites around town. Also consider how much time it takes each morning before work begins on site; if there's an hour delay every day due up until Christmas because everyone needs coffee first thing in the morning after waking up off their sleeping bags outside under trees in tents... well then maybe try getting them some coffee!
One of the most important things to know is that no matter how well you plan, your project may still not go as smoothly as you'd hoped. That's why risk management is so important.
As a construction project manager, you’re likely to have lots of experience with risk management. Risk management is the process of identifying and assessing all potential risks in a project, as well as planning for and responding to those risks. It's an important part of successful management because it can help prevent problems before they occur.
When evaluating risk, you should focus on four key areas:
Identifying potential hazards or issues that could affect the project
Assessing those hazards or issues by determining their likelihood of occurring (how likely is it?) and their impact (how bad will be if they do?)
Deciding which ones are most important and need to be addressed first
Planning how best to manage those hazards if they do occur
For example: Let's say there's an upcoming storm warning. You're concerned about whether your team will get stuck outside overnight due to power outages caused by lightning strikes on nearby electricity poles. Your first step would be assessing this situation by considering these questions: How likely are there going to be storms? What effect will those storms have on our workers? And finally, given all this information, what contingency plans should we put into place so that everyone stays safe no matter what happens?
The industry-leading professionals at Riise Building Inc can help you build an effective construction project plan to help you complete your construction project with finesse.