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The Pre-Construction Phase Plan – Key to Delivering a Good Project


Updated: Jan 22

Construction projects are highly intricate and require a great deal of planning. A pre-construction plan will help in not just streamlining the process, but also ensuring a faultless operation of your venture.

Every construction project is a colossal mission. It constitutes succinct planning, persistent collaboration, endless communication, and meticulous computation. Poor planning or even the slightest inconsistency could cause immense peril for your construction project. Hence, it is vital that you create a thorough pre-construction phase plan that helps you and your team stay on track.

What is a pre-construction phase plan, and why is it essential?

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax” - Abraham Lincoln

The route to success ensues when one vigorously follows a plan of action. A pre-construction phase plan allows one to plan their project to a t, which includes creating a strategic plan, developing its budget, setting a design structure, building a schedule, arranging for permits, obtaining all equipment, and hiring personnel. It helps to set the tone for the entire project. During the pre-construction phase, architects, designers, and engineers collaborate and define the project. They educate the client about potential complications, schedules, investment, and scope, which then enable the client to gauge the feasibility of the project. It gives the client valuable feedback, and a clear outlook on what they can expect from the project, and what expectations they might have to forego.

The pre-construction phase plan can take anywhere between one and three months, depending on the availability of the personnel responsible, and the size and scope of the project.

How to make the most of the pre-construction phase plan?

One of the most critical parts of the pre-construction phase plan is the pre-construction meeting. A pre-construction manager is designated to organize and delegate the structure of the meeting and is generally the first point of contact for the client. During the course of the pre-construction meeting, the pre-construction manager aims to understand the client’s needs and builds a mutually beneficial strategy and schedule for the completion of the project. This communication is supremely essential in order to build trust between the client and the construction management team. A detailed and polished pre-construction meeting ensures smooth inception for the construction project.

The five steps of a successful pre-construction phase plan:

1. Schematic & Descriptive Design:

During this step, the architect creates a plan that entails the massing (size and shape) of the building and the overall conceptualization of the project. They help in setting the client’s expectations, exchanging ideas on workflows, building floor plans, and allocating and utilizing spaces. These depictions allow the client to visualize the project and provide their feedback on the same.


2. Procurement of Building Material:

Now that the client and pre-construction manager both have some perspective, it is time to invest in detailed floor plans, building materials, electrical and plumbing system equipment, etc. The timely delivery of these materials and respecting the client’s budget are also key elements of this phase of the pre-construction plan. 


3. Construction Documents:

It is vital to understand how to store construction data. Pre-construction documentation must include the scope of work, pre-construction meeting minutes, architect’s drawings and floorplans, and an audit trail for the process throughout. This information must be stored in a single, cloud-based information system, thus increasing efficiency, improving communication, and allowing a seamless workflow.


4. Communication and Collaboration:

Communication is not just essential in the initial stages of the construction project but is the most vital aspect throughout the entire project. Effective communication allows room for growth and enables obstacles to be dealt with competently.


5. Bidding and Personnel Management:

The project owner now begins to hire contractors to handle the project. This could be done in one of two ways – either they choose someone they know, or they accept multiple bids.

An architect, quantity surveyor, engineers, designers, project managers, and health and safety managers all need to be on board before the construction project takes off.

The Outcome of Successful Pre-Construction Phase Planning

They say an hour of planning can save you from 10 hours of doing. Successful pre-construction phase planning helps cultivate a positive working environment bustling with effective communication and trust. A well-read, well-informed team of pre-construction phase planners can help you save hours, money, effort, and manpower. The industry-leading professionals at Riise Building Inc can help you build an effective pre-construction phase plan tailored to meet your needs.

We make construction projects less tedious. Let’s discuss! Contact us to know how we can help your organization.



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